You may someday sell the house for more than you bought it but, if you paid interest on a mortgage, you also paid far more than the sale price. 或许将来你会高价卖掉房子,可是,如果你为房贷付利息,那么你的支出也远远超过卖房收入了。
Some banks are offering homeowners who are behind on mortgage payments cash in exchange for selling the home in a short sale. 有些银行为贷款逾期的业主派发现金,让他们把房屋以低于贷款余额的价格卖掉。
An owner in Shenmu County, in the north, said she couldn't afford to pay the mortgage on her apartment but couldn't sell it, either, because so many others were for sale. 西省神木县的一位房主称,她无力偿还抵押贷款,但房子也卖不出去,因为市场上有很多房子在出售。
When a mortgage is ported, however, although the ERC will be applied on redemption, if a purchase is completed simultaneous with the sale the ERC is immediately refunded and so the overall effect is that you are not charged. 然而,如果抵押贷款可以转移,那么,尽管赎回抵押将带来提前还贷罚款,但购房与卖房同时发生,提前还贷罚款将马上退还,因此,总的结果是你不会为此缴纳费用。
For example, an underwater property owner might ask the employer to chip in to cover part of the deficit between the mortgage balance and the home's sale price, perhaps splitting it fifty-fifty. 例如,一个冻结财产所有人可能会要求雇主在支付部分赤字的的抵押贷款和房屋的销售价格以保持平衡,也许各支付一半。
There is no uniform definition of ship mortgage in international society, but related regulations of different countries have some common characters, that is, not transfering possession, and preferred right from sale proceeds. 国际社会对船舶抵押权没有统一的定义,但从各国的相关规定可概括出一些共性的认识,即不移转船舶的占有、从船舶销售收入中优先受偿。
This thesis, in view of legislation, theory and practice, discusses the grounds on which that the houses for sale can be regarded as objects of mortgage, and then it tries to solve the problem of the property transmission ( demise) of houses for sale. 从立法、理论和实践角度,探讨预售商品房可以成为房地产按揭标的物的依据,并从理论和实务上解决如何实现预售商品房所有权移转的问题。
Mortgage on future estate is a new type of financing guarantee to obtain bank loans by taking unfinished houses for sale as guarantee objects. 楼花按揭,是以在建甚至是未建的预售商品房作为担保标的取得银行贷款的一种新的融资担保方式。
Along with the development of market economy, real estate prices have soared, mortgage house property has become one of the common choice to most of buyers, become the main form of sale of real estate. 伴随着市场经济的发展,房产价格一路飙升,按揭购房已经成为大多数购房者所选择的最普遍的购房方式之一,成为商品房买卖的主要形式。
The principal actions concerned in the mortgage loans include the sale of commercial real estate, loan, mortgage, guarantee and other acts of civil law. Different parties have differentiated rights and obligations in different legal relationship. 上述主体在按揭贷款中包括了商品房买卖、借款、抵押、保证等一系列民事法律行为及各方当事人的权利和义务。